Как встать на очередь на субсидию если я сотрудник таможни

1. What are the quantities of goods imported to Russia, which need not be declared?

The information can be obtained at the Customs Department by phone +3728800814.

2. Do I need Visa to go to Russia ?

The information about Visas can be obtained at the Embassy of the Russian Federation by phone +3726464131, 3726464166.

3. Tomorrow I would like to go to Russia. Is this possible?

It depends on the vehicle category on which you intend to cross the border. For example, A and A1 categories always have a right to crosse the border in the priority queue.

4. May I choose a border crossing point?

When booking you should choose a suitable crossing point. You are not allowed to change the border crossing point for confirmed reservation.

5. Can I change the border crossing point?

No. If you would like to change the border crossing point, you must first cancel the existing reservation and then create a new one, specifying the appropriate border crossing point.

6. Do I have to pay again in this case?


7. Can I change the driver’s name or vehicle plate number, if my reservation has been already confirmed?


8. Can I change the time for crossing the border?

Yes, border crossing time can be changed.

9. Why should I pay for reservation?

Reservation charge is set by the Law of the state border.

10. Can I reserve more than one place in a queue?

No. You can reserve a new place in a border crossing queue for the same driver or vehicle just after crossing the border or by removing the existing reservation.

11. Can I reserve a place in the border crossing queue from Russia to Estonia?

No. Our system works only in the direction from Estonia to Russia.

12. Which border crossing points can be selected when reserving a place in the queue?

Narva, Koidula, Luhamaa.

13. How to cross a border if I have reserved a place in the border crossing queue?

You need to arrive in the waiting area at the specified time and wait for your turn. When it is your time to go to the border, the display will show the appropriate message. You can also order additional SMS notifications.

14. How is it possible for transport companies to register as the users of the new system?

Transport companies may become major clients of GoSwift. In order to become a major client, an application in a free form should be sent to e-mail [email protected] . Name of the legal entity, registry code and contacts should be presented in the application, as well as the given name and surname and e-mail address of the person who will be registered as the major client’s main user. After reviewing the application and checking the data, an e-mail with the user account and password is sent to the major client’s main user. After logging in, the major client’s main user can add other main and sub-users among his/her company’s employees.

15. What are the benefits of a major client?

A major client can manage the whole vehicle fleet of the company, his/ her main and sub-users can simultaneously log in the system. The major client environment enables to enter data of all the company’s vehicles, trailers and drivers and later, when making a reservation, select them from a pull-down menu. A major client can see all the reservations made for the vehicles and can make changes allowed by the system, if necessary. A major client can see the history of border crossings and payments and cancelled reservations of all the company’s vehicles.

16. How is settlement of accounts with major clients arranged?

Settlement of accounts with a major client is based on prepayment. In order to make a prepayment, you have to first log in the system. After clicking on “My profile”, a window “Make a prepayment” will open. After making the payment, the paid sum will be transferred on the prepayment account. Reservations can be made only after money has been transferred on the prepayment account. Balance of the prepayment account can be followed under “My profile”, it is also displayed to the user before the confirmation of every following reservation.

17. What kind of changes can be made by major clients in their reservations?

No special rules have been established for major clients. There are rules for C category vehicles. In case of C category, it is possible to change reservation time, driver and vehicle provided that the MNR number of customs reference will not change (MRN number cannot be later added to a vehicle, which at first registered in the queue without a cargo). One reservation allows to make changes not more than 3 times and not later than 3 hours before the reservation time.

18. How to make a reservation for D category vehicles?

Currently, pre-reservation cannot be made for vehicles of D category in Narva. As passenger coaches are allowed to drive directly to border crossing, then by taking their timetables into account, it may happen that 2 or more busses reach there at a time. This is the maximum vehicle-handling capacity of a border per one hour. Thus, we cannot guarantee that a vehicle of D category not performing regular carriage of passengers and with a pre-reservation can get to the border at a promised time. D category vehicles can reserve a place in the living queue or they can go to Narva waiting area and make a reservation there. According to the situation on the border, busses are called from there for border crossing at the first possibility.

It is possible to make pre-reservations for D category vehicles in Koidula and Luhamaa.

NB! Queue is followed separately as to different vehicle categories. Busses are not affected by passenger cars and trucks.

19. What is a prepayment account and how to use that?

Prepayment account is for registered users and it gives the major clients a possibility to pay money on the prepayment account and use it for ordering reservations and additional services. When using the prepayment account for paying for GoSwift services, no additional service fees of banks or mobile phone operators will be added. The order can be registered quicker as well because you do not need to make a bank transfer.

Money can be transferred on the prepayment account by a user who has logged in either on “My profile” page or by adding the prepayment package on the page where additional services of reservation can be ordered.

Balance of the prepayment account can be followed on “My profile” page and also in the shopping cart when making a reservation.

20. Can money be transferred on the prepayment account and can the latter be used when making a reservation via the call centre?

Yes, it can. In order to do that, the user profile should include a phone number and the same number has to be used for calling the call centre.

21. Who can call to fee-based line?

You can call to fee-based line from any Estonian telephone operator.

22. I can not enter the program using the ID card (MacOS). How can I do it?

Unfortunately, after the update, users of Mac systems have problems with the use of electronic services with an ID-card. This is due to the fact that Safari and Google Chrome browsers do not support the new encryption algorithm used on the basis of EC (elliptical curves). After the upgrade, the ID-card can be used with the Firefox browser. A new solution for Mac users is under development and expect some technical solutions from Google and Apple.

23. There are time limits set in the system within the driver must arrive in the waiting area or the border. These limits depend on the border crossing point, vehicle category and type of queue. Limits are set in accordance with the PPA’s instructions.

Time limit you should arrive in waiting area (minutes)Time limit you should arrive in border crossing point from waiting area (min)NARVAA/B pre-reserve6030A/B live queue1530BC pre-reserve6040C live/ pre-reserve150150CE pre-reserve 9090D9090KOIDULABC pre-reserve6060C live/ pre-reserve150150CE pre-reserve9090D9090LUHAMAABC pre-reserve6060C live/ pre-reserve150150CE pre-reserve9090D9090

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